Thursday, October 22, 2009

strawberry-colada scones

Having leftover fresh ground flour from the ricotta pancakes I decided to make some scones. Scones are great. Not as dense as muffins, the right size for a snack and, like muffins, very pliable to modification. Rummaging around the pantry and fridge revealed some strawberry yogurt and the last little bit of shredded coconut so strawberry-colada became the flavor of the day. Unfortunately I did not have any fresh or dried strawberries which I think would have made these scones even better; the currants worked well but the scones were a little light in the strawberry flavor. In the future I'll make sure to have strawberries available the next time I want to bake these.

In the past when I have made scone recipes using fresh ground flour I find that sometimes they are more dense than I'd like. Wanting to make sure these were light more fluffy I separated the egg. If you are using a whole grain flour you may want to do the same.

Strawberry-Colada Scones

1 C. oat flour
1 C. brown rice flour
1/3 C. evaporated cane juice crystals
2 t. baking powder
1/2 t. baking soda
generous pinch of sea salt
1 C. strawberry yogurt
1 egg separated
1/4 C. coconut oil melted
1/2 C. currants
1/2 C. shredded coconut

preheat oven to 400
beat egg whites until peak forms, set aside
mix together egg yolk, coconut oil and yogurt until fully blended
in a separate bowl mix together flour, cane juice crystals, baking powder, baking soda, and salt
add dry mixture to yogurt mixture until just moistened
gently fold in currants and shredded coconut
gently fold in egg whites
drop by tablespoons onto a greased baking sheet
bake 15 minutes or until golden brown
let cool 2 minutes on baking sheet before transferring to rack


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