Saturday, October 9, 2010

organic beef giveaway

Rocky Mountain Organic Meats
When I teach classes helping folks learn how to make good healthy choices for their diet, organic is at the top of the list.  While I certainly understand that many of us cannot afford to eat 100% organic (I know I can't) there are ways to make sure that you are making the best possible choices.  Organic dairy and organic meat are at the very top of my list.

Organic standards are defined by the USDA and require certification to ensure that producers are meeting the standards set forth in the National Organic Program.  Organically raised animals are not given any hormones, antibiotics, medications to encourage growth, or genetically modified feed.  They are also allowed access to the outdoors on pesticide free grasslands and not placed into Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFO).

When it comes to dairy and beef products grass-fed is the best.  Why?  The biggest reason is that cows are not meant to eat corn.  They are ruminant animals and will be healthier if they are allowed to graze.  Their healthier lives in turn create a healthier product.  Beef from grass-fed cows has been scientifically proven to be better for you.  A study published in the April 2010 Nutrition Journal shared the results of three decades of research comparing grain-fed and grass-fed cattle.  The grass-fed cattle produced beef that was higher in conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) and omega-3 fatty acids, higher vitamin A content and lower overall fat.     Grain-fed beef tended to have higher cholesterol elevating myristic and palmitic fatty acids.  Clearly, if you are going to eat beef you want the organic, grass-fed variety.

See those cows in that pretty picture up there?  They live in Heart Mountain, WY where they are being watched over by my new friend Rod at Rocky Mountain Organic Meats.  He's generously offering up 10 pounds of his finest grass-fed organic ground beef, for FREE!  It's an $85 value which includes shipping; all you have to do is join in the contest.  How do you join?  It's easy:

1.  Subscribe to the email feed for this blog (if you are already subscribed say so in the comments)
2.  Become a Fan of RockyMtnCuts or GrainsAndMore on Facebook (if you already are say so in the comments)
3.  Follow Rocky Mountain Organic Meats or GrainsAndMore on Twitter (if you already do say so in the comments)
4.  Mention or link to this giveaway on your blog or twitter feed (leave a comment to let me know where)

One entry allowed per method.  That gives you seven chances to win.  Contest is open until October 25, 2010, 12:00 p.m. CST.

Winner is kindly requested to share a picture and recipe made with the prize for posting back here on the blog.

Good luck!

P.S.  Want to stay in touch with Rod?  You can sign up for his newsletter and get the latest and greatest from Rocky Mountain.

Legal mumbo-jumbo (sorry, boring but necessary):

This giveaway is strictly meant to be entertainment, no express guarantees are provided here (although I'm sure Rod wants you to be a very satisfied customer).
The product is coming directly from Rocky Mountain Organic Meats, therefore Grains&More assumes no responsibility for shipping or product.
Odds of winning depend on the number of entries.
Any taxes are the responsibility of the winner.
Grains&More did not receive any financial compensation for this offer.


  1. I just subscribed, followed on FB and tweeted under justmekimi
    So Excited1 Hope I win!

  2. I posted a link to this giveaway on my twitter account.

  3. I am a fan of GrainsandMore on facebook. does that count? :) my name there is Rachel Shearer Martinka.

  4. Checkmark for all! :-) I was already a grains&more fan on FB and have just added you on Twitter. Added Rocky Mountain to twitter and fb, and comments w/ link on each! Thanks for the awesome opportunity!

  5. Hey Mira!!!

    I have been a long time friend of Grains&More and just friended the other page on FB!!!

    I really hope to win!!!

  6. Been dying to try this beef for a while! I subscribed (1), "liked" Rocky Mt. on FB (2), already following Rocky Mt. (3) and am also now following you (4). Yes, I'd like to win.

  7. Ditto! Done, Done, Done, & Done :) Tweeted, FB'd, Liked, & Subscribed...and all that jazz. :D


  8. Sweet! If you haven't tried organic grass fed beef you really don't know what beef tastes like. Already a twitter fan of Rocky Mtn Organic Meats. Now a fan of both on facebook. Just retweeted the link on twitter. You guys rock, what a great contest!

  9. I just friended Rocky Mountain and subscribed to your blog. I am going to repost this on The Bauman College Forum (I am in the Natural Chef program) Thanks! Hope I win!

  10. I subscribed, made this blog a friend on facebook, subscribed to both feeds on twitter under RML5811 profile and posted a link to your page.

  11. Following Rocky Mountain on Twitter.

  12. Liked you on Facebook!

  13. Tweeted about giveaway. I'm @KeepRealSimple

  14. I subscribed to your newsletter, liked both Grains&More and Organic Grass Fed Beef on Facebook and Followed both of you on TWITTER. Also, RT both of you. Yay! Free Grass Fed ORGANIC Beef!

  15. Subscribed here, FB fanned you (Merina Amos), Twitter following Rocky Mountain, tweeted @MerinaMomO2

  16. I subscribed to your blog, I follow you on facebook, and along with Rocky Mountain Meats. On twitter I follow you and Rocky Mountain Meats. I linked the giveaway on my twitter account:!/AlisonMaffett

  17. i just subscribed, tweeted, fanned on fb and followed! ;-) would LOVE to win this delicious prize!!!

  18. Greetings,

    I suscribed, liked rocky mountain meats on facebook, liked grains and more on facebook and would LOVE LOVE LOVE to win this giveaway in order to try it before purchasing!

    Thank you.

  19. I just subscribed to your email subscription.


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