Thursday, December 30, 2010

book roundup

People frequently ask me what I'm reading or what cookbooks I use.  They've figured out, correctly, that I've always got a stack by the bedside (and the coffee table, the kitchen counter, my desk in my office....) and I'm constantly learning and reading.  I'm one of those people that love to read cookbooks, yes, cover-to-cover, as well as fascinating books about all different kinds of things.

I thought I'd share with all of you my Top Ten of 2010 (in no particular order), I hope you chose to read some of them.

Gluten-Free Girl and the Chef - I love this book.  Great stories, delicious pictures and fabulous recipes.

SOS! The Six O'Clock Scramble to the Rescue - this was a book that I found myself returning to several times as I got close to the dinner hour and realized that I hadn't planned as well as I should.

Origins - Truthfully I'm still reading this one but it is definitely a top ten book.  This book really highlights how much of an effect our diet has, not only on our own heath but on the health of our unborn children.

White Coat Black Hat - This book provided a frequently startling and almost surreal look at how the pharmaceutical industry has infiltrated the medical industry.  And not to our benefit.

Hope's Edge - I had read this book before but chose to re-read it to remind myself that there is a lot of good stuff going on in the world.  Places where positive change is being made.

The Crazy Makers - This was a "preaching to the choir" kind of book.  So much information about our food and how it affects us.

What I Eat - a great follow up to Hungry Planet: What the World Eats which itself was a great follow up Material World: A Global Family Portrait.  This book is a fascinating look at food and the world we live in.

Ready for Dessert - because, after all, who doesn't love dessert?  This was a great cookbook because there were some favorites in there, a lot of updating, and he's a great writer.

Silent Spring - This is a revised version of the seminal work by Rachel Carson.  Definitely worth a read.

In the Green Kitchen - Just because there is so much to learn from this amazing woman.

I'm always looking for a good book to read.  There are a lot of fabulous books out there and I'm looking forward to more reading.  In the meantime, what are your favorites?  What made your personal top ten list and why....maybe I'll add it to mine.

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