Thursday, May 17, 2012

meditation for children

meditating | photo: Beyond My Ken
Recently I saw this article online, Why Our Children Should Be Taught To Meditate In School.  This falls into the 'why didn't I think of that' category.  If I had known or thought about this I would have encouraged my children to learn how to meditate when they were younger.

In our ever-increasing-speed society children are being encouraged toward more distractibility, more tools, more stimulation.  There's no down time.   Ghandi once said, "There's more to life than increasing it's speed."  Somehow I don't think our modern society is listening.

 This point was brought forcefully to my attention by the deluge of commercials I have been seeing about internet speed including this latest one by AT&T


Everything is "so [insert number] seconds ago."  I know it's meant to be amusing but it highlights the problem that we face staying focused in our daily lives.  Everything is presented as needing to be instant, now, online, immediately.  It's no wonder that rates of hypertension are rising among our young people.  They're being stressed, pressured, and sped up beyond reasonable limits.  I personally believe this to be true for adults also.

Instead of joining in to the overwhelming frenzy for fast everything,  perhaps we need to re-evaluate things and slow down just a bit.  If we taught kids how to meditate in school it's possible that their minds could stop spinning to frantically.  They could learn how to recenter themselves and focus.  And what a great tool to be able to take forward into adulthood.

For those of us who are already adults and feeling overwhelmed?  Stop for a moment.  Take a few deep breaths.  That in and of itself is a good beginning.  Need some guided resources?  Here are a few to get you started:


Treasure those small quiet moments.  Seek them out.  Teach your children to do the same.  I think the world will be a better place if we do.


1 comment:

  1. has some amazing Guided Meditation CD's for children, I use them with my kids so I can vouch for them.


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