Tuesday, June 26, 2012

affiliate accounts

just pennies | photo:  cohdra
Support for the blog.

As regular readers know I am passionate about food and health.  It's what I do for a living, it's how I help others, it's what I read and study in my spare time.

I don't have an assistant or a support staff, it's just me.  Writing when I can, trying to keep things interesting, informative and, above all, understandable.

I have never written a post like this before and do not plan to make it a regular happening.  I'm not asking you to make a cash donation nor am I creating a subscriber only blog.  But I have decided to come right out and talk about how you can support me if you choose.  There are a few companies who have products that I really like.  I either use them myself or they meet my personal standards for the things I think are important (such as high quality foodstuffs or a reliable kitchen appliance).  When the topic comes up I do sprinkle them into my blog posts but that's because I believe in them and want people to know that these items are available.

I've decided to gather all of these links together into one post and to make it available on the blog under the tab Resources.  If you use the links below thank you; I do get a few pennies and it doesn't cost you anything extra.  My promise to you is that I will continue to be honest about it.  If someone sends me something to review, I'll tell you.  If they give me something to give away, I'll tell you that too.  And I will only put links on this page that I feel I would support or purchase.  That has always been my policy and it won't changed.

While I would like to make some money to help support the time I put in to this blog, my primary goal is to reach out to you, the reader; to make things less confusing, to help you understand how to navigate the confusion and noise that corporate marketers put out there.  To be a resource you can trust.

Thanks for your support.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Mira for your list of companies to check out. I will be passing them around to people that I know could use them as well. I appreciate your blogs and many of my friends have joined in too.
    You're a source we can trust and will try to support your suggested companies as well.


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